About Me

I'm in Brasil on Rotary Youth Exchange for 2010-2011, and ive started a blog to keep everyone updated :)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

time flies when one is having fun

And another week or so has just up and flown away from me, just like that... I can hardly believe it that I am now on the home stretch! in just seis small weeks i will be on the plane back to aus, probably somewhere in the middle of my lovely 14 hour plane flight from argentina to aus.... now thats a scarey thought...

so i am now enjoying the freedom of holidays, and oh how sweet it is!
the other day, i went with andy to the cinema to see 'the other guys' which was actually quite funny :)

i went out with my host dad and sister, and we ate creme de açai which was sooo yummy :)
for those of you who have heard me talk about açai before but have no idea what im talking about, this is what açai is...
soo, this is açai the fruit, grown in the amazonas, and other parts of south america, on these trees:


and then  brasilians had this great idea of separating the pulp from seed, blending the pulp and freezing it. After that, they mix it with guarana syrup:
chuck some muesli, banana or other fruit on top, and PRONTO!
Creme de açai!

its sooo yummy, but i havnt seen it in australia before... that might be because i just have never looked for it, or it may be because we really dont have it (which would be really bad) so hopefully we do have it somewhere. you never know aye.

so on friday, i went to my clubs christmas party which was really lovely. It started late, and went later, (we had dinner at midnight) 

there were two people who sung 'noite feliz' or as we know it 'silent night' for the people gathered, and it was absolutly beautiful. 

 so after the rotary gig, i went to andys house, because i was going to his families farm for the weekend with them. 

we spent saturday pretty much chillaxing around the farm, 

going for a little bit of a walk, 

getting wet when i rained, 
sitting on the edge of the pool watching the stormclouds roll in
lying in the hamock (oh how i had missed them!) 
and picking mangos

and lychees

yeah, was a pretty lovely day. 

then at night it was his cousins 1 year old birthday, so we went out for the party which was pretty good fun. 
brasilians really do go a bit overboard with one year old birthdays hahaah

so on the sunday, we went to a big party thingie at a resort near the farm that querença was having for all its workers. 
there was a group of the workers riding there on horses, so i was lucky enough to ride with them! it was an hour and a half ride, and was so much fun. 

at first, they put me on the most stubborn horse and he either wanted to walk really slowly or trot fast, but didnt want to trot  at the same pace as everyone else, or gallop. one guy was riding beside me and said to me that they had given me the worst horse, and offered to swap with me, because i couldnt get him up into a gallop. 
so i swapped horses, with a warming from this guy that his horse was a bit more 'firey' than the first one, and with that in mind, i kicked him into a gallop...
it was the fastest that i ahve ever gone on a horse! he just bolted away, my glasses flew off the top of my head and i was riding away like the wind! it was amazing! of course, everyone laughed at my reaction after, wich was one of awe at how fast he went. one girl commented that it was obvious that i knew how to ride a horse, because anyone who didnt, would have flown right off his back the way he bolted off. 
i felt pretty proud at that! see mum! im a natural! you should buy me a horse!

so the ride was amazing, but was pretty hot, but that was okay, coz there was a guy with a little buggy behind a donkey who came with us, and had a couple of eski's with water, softdrink and beer in it for the riders, so we stopped regularly for refreshments. 
needless to say, i refused a beer, as i didnt quite think that riding on a lovely fast horse whilst drinking a beer was the best idea. i needed all my wits about me to make sure i didnt come off him at any time hahaah

the ride was absolutly gorgeous, with beautiful green pastures and blue skys with fluffy white clouds. 

when we got to the resort, i joined andy fishing, and we relaxed for a while until lunch time, then after lunch went for a swim in the pool, and then retired to the hamocks listening to the cool music that was being played by a group of the people there. next thing we knew, it was 3 hours later, and people were still going on with the music! 
we went out on the lake in the little paddle boat, and had a little paddle around, then eventually packed up to go back to the farm.
when we got back to the farm, we packed up our stuff, and headed back to belo horizonte. I stayed at andys house that night, and when he got up at 5am to go to school, i got to sleep more !
when i got up, his mum was making cool chistmas baubles, so she taught me how to make them and i made two with her, and then headed home for lunch.

okay, so will update you guys again very soon :D



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