About Me

I'm in Brasil on Rotary Youth Exchange for 2010-2011, and ive started a blog to keep everyone updated :)

Saturday, January 23, 2010

im here!

okay, after my final plane being delayed by almost three hours i arrived in sao paulo around 11pm. a guy from a rotary club here picked those of us staying over the night on a bus and it was 2am before we arrived at the house we are staying the night. oh and my mobile, despite the reassurances ofthe lovely staff at telstra... is not working.
lucky the lady we are staying with has wireless internet connections so we can all let people know what is going on. really no point in trying to sleep as we are to be picked up at half past 6 am tomorrow so that we can be at the airport to catch our plane at half past 10????????? why so early!!!!!!!!!!!!

we got a treat on the second leg of our rather terrible airalinas argentinas journey, they put on one movie for us.
greeeeeaaaaattttt, that took up a whole hour of a total of 12. yay.

ive been delayed for almost 2 hours in aukland and another hour in buenos aires
fun fun fun

but otherwise im safe and well, and just cant wait to get to BH!

mmmmmmm... airline food


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