About Me

I'm in Brasil on Rotary Youth Exchange for 2010-2011, and ive started a blog to keep everyone updated :)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

looking up :)

okay, i started school the other day, it was really good. :)
my school starts at 7am and goes until 11:30am, and i have a half hour break for recess for half an hour, so really, 4 hours of classes a day, if that.

anyway, i get to my class and was immediatly swooped on by like everyone as they were walking in the door! i was patted, and shook many hands, and had lots of people attempt to speak english with me. they were so excited to have an exchanger, and got even more excited when i told them i was australian. its really really true when people tell you that foreigners love aussies. lol
class itself was rather boring, as i could hardly understand anything. i dont have any arty subjects which sucks. i only have maths and science type subjects, bah. i spent my time in class today writing out postcards to give myself something to do to try to stop myself falling asleep!
there are about 2 people in my class who know how to say more than hi and bye in english, so its good in a way, because it will help me learn the language quicker hopefully.

one of the girls in the class was nice enough to write down the list of my subjects in school and the teachers of these classes. my classes are:
matematica (maths)
fisica (physics)
quemica (chemistry)
bioligia (biology)
Historia (history)
Geografia (geography)
Fisic Education (phys Ed or sport)
filosofia (philosophy)

for someone who hasnt really done any science subjects but the very basics in year seven and 8, i am sooo  far behind everyone else in the class who has been doing these subjects since the start of high school. 
and they are doing linear equasions in maths (one of the topics i happened to fail, when trying to do it in australia) so i say good luck to me lol. i cant even do it in an english speaking class so i dont have very high expectations for it when it is all in portuguese. lol there are even funny symbols that they use that we dont use in Aus, so pretty much, im stuffed lol.
oh well, theres worse things to fail in life than maths and science, and considering the only thing even remotely scientific i plan to do in year 12 and perhaps uni is psychology then i think im pretty safe even if i dont do very well in my science subjects this year lol.

as you can see, i have been doing some lovely art in class, but not so much work, but i guess its better than sleeping lol.

anyway, i am going to make honey joys and choc brownies this arvo coz the group of familys from their church that we always get together with are coming over tonight. the adults pray and read the bible and stuff together, and the kids go and play. i love the little kiddles so i am really looking forward to it. 

it its absolutely pouring rain and has been since late last night. its still 20 degrees celcius  and the weather is still a little bit muggy but the rain is nice and i am actually wearing jeans for the 3rd time since i got here. lol glad i decided to not bring any with me and to just buy them over here because my jeans would have just taken up unnecessary space in my baggage lol.

oh my god, marilia just asked me to explain cricket to her lol. that was interesting. after she was like, so it is like tennis... um, not at all lol
 looked up explaining cricket to foreigners, and came across a familiar thing that we have hanging on the side of the fridge at home:

Cricket- as explained to a foreigner.

You have two sides, one out in the field and one in. 
Each man that's in the side that's in goes out, and when he's out he comes in and the next man goes in until he's out. 
When they are all out, the side that's out comes in and the side thats been in goes out and tries to get those coming in, out. 
Sometimes you get men still in and not out.
When a man goes out to go in, the men who are out try to get him out, and when he is out he goes in and the next man in goes out and goes in.
There are two men called umpires who stay all out all the time and they decide when the men who are in are out. 
When both sides have been in and all the men have been out, and both sides have been out twice after all the men have been in, including those who are not out, that is the end of the game!

anyone confused?
im not even going to try it on them coz that will lead to more needing to explain! 

footy is easier. i need a football (australian type of footy that is) and then we can play. marilia is like we can buy this (and does an action like swinging a cricket bat) here? and i was like, um most likely not, good luck trying to find one!

ooh, i almost forgot to mention that i went out with Joanna (a polish exchanger) and some of her friends from school, and i also met some other exchangers too :) it was a really good night :) we went to this cafe and sipped espresso, and ate choc brownies with fudge sauce, and icecream :) mmmmm...

okay, thats about it from me for now, will update you soon, once something happens. lol 
oooh! just one more thing... 24 sleeps til my 17th birthday!!!! woop woop! teheheehehe



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