About Me

I'm in Brasil on Rotary Youth Exchange for 2010-2011, and ive started a blog to keep everyone updated :)

Saturday, November 27, 2010

new beginings

Hey everyone! 
So I mentioned in my last post that after the Pantanal trip, my new and last host family picked me up from the travel agency.  
I absolutly love this family. My host mum's name is Solange, host dads name is Afranio, and I have a sister called Marina and a brother called Igor. 
Marina has just spent the last year on exchange in the US, and now Igor is there on exchange, so I get his room :)
They live in an area of Belo Horizonte called Pampulha, which is about 40 minutes from the centre of the city (so a bit tricky at times as there is only one bus) but it is a beautiful area. 

I had a bit of trouble understanding where to get on and off the bus at first, but after a little hickup which ended up with me standing at the petrol station which was only 3 blocks from my house on the verge of tears because I thought I had got off at the right stop and had wandered the neighborhood in search of my house, with no success, because I was supposed to have gotten off at the next stop; I was fine :) 

In these situations... it’s handy that you speak the native language next to fluently!

So on the Friday night after i got home from the trip, i went to a dance 'Baile' at Pe de Valsa, the studio where i was doing dance lessons. Unfortunatly its a bit too hard to keep going with them because i am living so far away, but i can still go to the Bailes, which are dance nights! This particular one was a special one that they only have once a year because it was for the 19th birthday of Pe de Valsa. 

It is extra special, because as well as just being able to dance and dance and dance, the senior scholarship students do a show. It was AMAZING!

They danced various styles including: samba, forro, bolero, zouk, tango, waltz, soltinho, salsa and hip hop. 
The following links are for some of the videos that I took!

Unfortuatly I was stupid enough to not ask someone to film me while I was dancing, so I can’t prove to you all that I can dance after 8 lessons because my teachers are so amazing, BUT next time I go to a baile (which will be soon as there is one every couple of weeks) I will make sure someone films me!

On the Saturday after I got there, it was my host sister Marina's 18th birthday! 

Unfortunatly, that Saturday and Sunday, there were the national exams, which meant that none of her friends could go out on Saturday night because they had exams the following day. 

So on her birthday, it was just her mum and dad, me and her grandma, but it was a very nice day anyway.
We went shopping in the morning, and she bought a new outfit, and then went home and had a lovely lunch with delicious salmon. Mmmmm, delicious!
the afternoon we went out to a shopping centre, and came home, and relaxed for the rest of the arvo, watching music dvds, and dancing :) For dinner, we went to the Marillia Pizzaria which was sooooo yummy!
On Sunday, we went out at night with her friends from school to celebrate her birthday. It was a really lovely weekend :)

So, in the week after that, Tuesday I went to my 2nd host family’s house for a churrasco (brasilian bbq) and met a Mexican and a Columbian who were staying there for the week.They are some of the craziest guys I have met so far on exchange. On Wednesday I had Rotary, and then friday I went to Rita and Cissa's house. (Rita from Rotary) I went to Cissa’s university night class and hung out with her friends, and then on Saturday, we left to go to Sao Joao Del Rei once again! 

I was SOOO excited!

I had an amazing weekend as usual, got to see all my old friends, and meet a few new people too. Sao Joao Del Rei is by far one of my favourite cities in Brasil. 

We went to a club thing on the Sunday night (it was a long weekend for the brasilian Independance day, so we didn’t have school on the Monday) and saw an ACDC cover band, who were actually pretty good. 
We had a lot of fun!

Had a pretty quiet week after getting home from Sao Joao Del Rei, but on the Friday it was Rita’s birthday, so I went over to her house after school, because they were having a birthday party for her. I made her birthday cake which was soo yummy :) I made a vanilla cake, with cream cheese icing, and strawberries on top. 

That weekend, Solange's mum was over at our house, which was nice, because she is such a lovely person. On Sunday, I got up bright and early and headed off to feira hippy, with a list.
I bought so much stuff, because people had been saying to me that feira gets really hectic in December and I wanted to get there to buy lots of thing-a-mi-jigs to take back to Aus with me. Yes, I have started collecting now. It’s REALLY sad. 

On Monday, Andy and I went and saw the new HARRY POTTER movie which was amazing, and then after it, I decided that I had to read the book again, becasue I wasn’t sure about some parts, so I hired it at the school library (in portugese), and finished it two days later!
NOW I remember everything :)

Last night I went to Number 1 (the language school) because they were having a special dinner for Thanksgiving (American Thanksgiving) so they had turkey and some other stuff that was all very yummy. 

Had my last day at school today, which i’m not sad about at all! I am so glad that I never have to get up at 5am to go to school ever again!

After school, came home and ate a little bit of lunch because I wasn’t feeling very hungry for some reason. Unfortunatly, now I am feeling really queasy and sick, not from lack of eating, but just feeling icky from a sore stomach, so unfortulatly I think I am just going to stay home tonight instead of going to another dance baile at Pe de Valsa tonight, which I was really looking forward to, but I think its better for me to just stay at home and rest. Hopefully I will be better soon.

I figure that I are’t too sick to finish off my blog entry, so here it is. 
Unfortunatly, my internet isn't letting me upload pictures right now, so I will try to upload some tomorrow. For now, you will just have to read it.

Hope you enjoy it. 
Tchau for now. 



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