About Me

I'm in Brasil on Rotary Youth Exchange for 2010-2011, and ive started a blog to keep everyone updated :)

Monday, October 4, 2010

Emma should do a post... she says to herself...

okay okay, i said that i was going to try and do it every week, but it has been a month and a half. I'M SORRY OKAY!
it has been one crazy 6 weeks, and i will tell you all about it right now, as i cant be bothered doing my homework (which is what im generally doing when i should be doing a blog entry, but right now its kinda slightly more important to get the homework done so that i dont have to repeat next year. in 6 weeks time when the aussie school year is over, then i will hopefully go back to once a week with my blog, but until then, bear with me okay guys!)

soooo... i was just looking back at my last blog and am seriously shocked at myself. it has actually been almost 2 months.... 
you dont even know about andy!
andy andy andy... where to start...
okay, so i forgot to mention about the fact that before i went to Sao Joao, That joanna left me and skidaddled back to poland. it was terrible... i dont even want to even think about going : /
i made this album for her as part of her present xx
so back to the story... the world keeps turning, and as sure as the fact is that exchangers go home, you always get new ones in, so now it was my turn to be the oldie, and help and befriend the newbies.

Andy is one of these newbies! he is from Hamilton, ohio, USA, and contrary to many peoples beliefs of americans, he is a great person. yersh, i can hear you all thinking 'hmmmm, so how good a friend to emma is this andy chap' but i swear to you all that he is just my friend. 

we have been ALL over Belo Horizonte, and had lots of different adventures here in brasil in the mere 2 months that he has been here. pretty crazy huh?
so we have been to Parque Das Mangabeiras and seen monkeys and coati's which excited him somewhat. 

you  can see various videos on youtube:

we have seen a few movies now, including karate kid (which happened to be with the portuguese voices recorded over the top, so he decided to make up his own script for it, which would have been alright except that he was speaking it whilst i was watching.) and today we went to see vampires suck, which we found hilarious mainly because we went with our canadian friend Emily, and there were several jokes cracked about canadians such as

"Their skin is ice-cold, they feed on human flesh, and they all sleep in coffins. Maybe they're Canadian."

... needless to say that andy and i were pissing ourselves laughing at that :D

andy and i set out on a guitar buying mission, and bought him a guitar so i could teach him :D he is a fast learner, and is on his 2nd song now. considering we have only really had one or two 'lessons' i think he is doing splendidly. :D

I have met a whole heap of newbies though, not just andy. and all of them are pretty cool :D

umm, we had a week long inbound orientation for the newbies and i organised for everyone to go to feira hippy and then to praca do papa to have a picnic :D 

it was an amazing day :D

rotary meeting last week had mirella from brasil doing her presentation about her exchange in canada. there were heaps of exchangers there, and it was super cool!

mirellas presentation was really cool :D

ummmm... oh so my host parents went to chile for about 2 weeks and left me at home so i stayed with my host club president, and she lives with her divorced son and his three kids and he is absolutly rolling in the money, so whopeee for emma!

their house is enormous, with 4 levels  and an evevator to take you up and down to all of them. there is a pool spa and sauna, and lots of really modern cool stuff. they have an in house movie theatre, and their dad has a movie night there every monday with his friends. they have a cook, a maid and a driver.

the most amazing thing is the cars. in the garage there is a porche, a lamborghini and a mini cooper. not to mention the honda motorbike. 

and then the car that the driver takes us around in... what did i say? they are ricccchhhh :D

so that was a very nice week or two living in the lap of luxury, but it came to an end when my host mum irene called up my president and said to her (translation)  " where is my daughter! i miss her! i want my daughter back!" and of course emma went NAWWWWWWW and ran back home to her 'mummy'
did i mention that she doesnt really speak and english but knows a few words, and its really cute because comes up when im skyping people in aus and trys to say things to them, one of which included yesterday when she told my parents that their "son is a very beautiful girl" :D
naawwwww isnt that cute!

this is my host mum irene with my little 'niece' (her granddaughter) duda :)

i really dont want to move families. Irene and mauro are an older couple (old enough to be my grandparents) but they are really lovely, and have their own kids and grandkids that are all in other houses of course. it is nice to be with them and i cant believe that i have less than a month left with them :(

we made mexican on friday night and even made home made burrito wraps coz the ones in the supermarket were so damn expensive. it was super yummy! 

oooh! and we made roast lamb a few weeks after i got here. it was amazing!

We are going to Itabeira for a wedding this weekend, so that will be a new experience because i havnt been to one here yet. i cant wait!

i have started dance lessons (the latin type!) and am so excited. the only thing is that when i move families i will probably have to change dance studios because this one is really far away from my next familys place. its a shame but at least i get a month at this place. :) when i get a bit better, i might even get someone to film a bit of a lesson! but suprisingly i am actually picking it up really fast, :) im really excited about that because generally im just a big tripping over feet mess! the three types of dance i will learn are:



and... Samba:

so its pretty friggen awesome!!!!!

okay, so now andy wants me to hurry up and finish this blog so he can read it before he goes to bed. so i had better get to uploading photos so i can get it finished :D

seeya everyone!
i promise i will do even a short one before i go on the pantanal trip :D


xxxxx em

Ps... i found TIM TAM's!!!!!
they were the equivalent of 11 dolars but i dont care!
they were soooo yummmmyyyy!


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