About Me

I'm in Brasil on Rotary Youth Exchange for 2010-2011, and ive started a blog to keep everyone updated :)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

the end is near... so lets enjoy things while we can :)

first of all, i would just love to say

FELIZ NATAL to everyone!

if you hadn't guessed, that means Merry Christmas!
i hope that you all had a lovely christmas with your loved ones, full of happiness  and peace.
I sure had a lovely christmas here in brasil, and although slightly different to what i am used to, it was amazing all the same.

on christmas eve the whole of my host dads side of the family got together, (photo of my 'grandad' and all his grandaughters)

and on chrissy day, my host mums family all got together. 

it was just like chrissy at home, nice weather, nice food and great company. 

i really had a lovely chrissy, and didnt even feel homesick. i suppose things were like that for me, because i knew that i was going to see my real family in less than a month, so i was enjoying fully everything that happens to me here :)
and these days, its not even like your family are that far away, with the greatness of skype and facebook, i could talk to my family and open up my presents from mum on  chrissy morning 'with the family'. 
she sent me bliss n eso's new album, and angus and julia stones new album too :D
my favourite chrissy present that i got was from my host mums family in the kris kringle thingie. I was given a specially made mug, with my picture on it, and it has my name and says 'brasileira de coracao' which means brasilian at heart.

i got all choked up and teary and didnt know what to say. it was the most lovely present that they could have given me, and i will never forget this family. 

Meggie sent me a beautiful bracelet which says 'sing... as though no one can hear you' its so beautiful!

my host family was very nice and gave me a bottle of amazing cachaca because i had been saying that i wanted to buy a bottle and take it home to open on my 18th. 

A few days before christmas, me and my friends went to praca da liberdade at night time to have a look around. 

completly decked out, pretty much every tree sparking! 

it was unfortunatly the last day that i saw andy, and we had to say goodbye, which dampened the mood somewhat, but it was still an amazing night. 
So now christmas is over for another year, and i have come to realise that i seriously only ahve a very short amount of time left here in brasil. 

i remember a time when i was counting down to leaving for brasil and being totally excited to come, and wondering whether i would feel the same when it came close to coming home. well... it doesn't.
i mean sure im excited to come home for some aspects, but there is just so much that i havnt done here yet, so many things that i am yet to experience, not to mention that goodbyes here are 10 times harder becuase you have no idea if you are ever going to see them again.

so that is what i ahve in store for the next few weeks. sounds fun huh? 
oh well, im keeping myself ocupied with shopping for things to take home, organising what im leaving behind,visiting, going out, and maybe even a little bit of travel :)

so i will talk to you guys again very soon indeed, and i hope that you ahve a lovely start off to your 2011. 
see you this year!



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