About Me

I'm in Brasil on Rotary Youth Exchange for 2010-2011, and ive started a blog to keep everyone updated :)

Friday, May 14, 2010

Another week in the life of Emma :)

soooooo... this week has been a pretty normal sort of week for me. no big adventures, maybe a few little ones, but not that many. oh well, i will fill you all in anyway, i will probably find something amusing, embarrassing, or exciting to share, knowing my very hyperactive mood at the current time :)
why am i hyperactive you may ask? because i am just having such a good time at the moment. :) its great.
okay so my week...
so even tho i posted my blog last friday claiming to have a sore throat, i actually wrote that on wednesday, but just didnt post it til Friday. so by friday i was right as rain from my throat infection (infecção na garganta)
and ready to go out and socialise as my normal healthy self once more. lol

on friday night, i went to savassi with my host sister to hang with friends for a bit (shhh dont tell dad, he doesnt like it when kids 'bum' around the streets for no reason lol) got home at about 11, then packed a few things, and waited for pedro to get home from a party so that we could then go to the family farm, which was a three hour drive away.
the idea was that we would sleep in the car during the night on the way there. um okay. lol so pedro got home at about 3am and we drove for 3 hours and got there at about 6:30am. it was quite funny, because you would think that the reason that we went at night is so that we would have the whole day there, but when we got there, we all headed straight to bed and no one got up til 11 am lol.
we headed into the town for some lunch at a churrascaria, went and got icecream at a sorvetteria, and then waited at a park with a big church in it, while the adults went and saw a surveyor. they are going to build a new house on the farm, as they think they two bedroom cottage is too small lol.
i think its rather cute.
anyway, the farm is really cool! they have 2 horses, (one that is pregnant) and i will be able to ride them (or at least the non pregnant one lol) and have lots of cows, but the coolest thing appart from the animals is the fruit. they have mandarin's and oranges coming out of their behinds there are so many of them lol. i was wondering why we had crates and crates full of them, and why we got fresh orange juice every morning... now i know lol.
they also have a plantation of Pineapples, which will be ready in a months time, so then we will have pinapples coming out of our behinds too! (which might be slightly more uncomfortable than the oranges on account of the spikes)
the best thing (but unfortunatly they are out of season) is the fact that they have about 10 mango trees too! YUMMMM drool worthy lol

the farm is pretty fun (will be funner when i get to ride the horses!) we had a big water fight coz it was really hot, then played cards and ate popcorn out on the deck an chilled, then went and picked mandarin's to bring home (about 3 huge tubs of them) and got ready for a 6 year old birthday that we were invited to in the town.
we went to the party for about an hour then hit the road and headed home to BH.

mothers day was quite a nice day, skyped mum in the morning so it was mothers day in Aus and Brasil, and we can tell things are going well at the moment because i didnt even cry the whole day from home sickness.(special occasions are quite terrible in the tears department if you are not in an extremely happy mood, with other things to occupy your mind. lol) i love my mummy!

we went to a fancy restaurant place for lunch but got there and were told we would have to wait at least an hour for a table. there  were so many people sitting there waiting as well, so we left and found another alright churrascaria, and had lunch there. my host dad bought all the girls a rose each, as the restaraunt was selling them. :) its really purdy and its sitting on my window sill!

most of the days this week have been pretty much the same. go to school, sit around not even in class for half the time because the stupid teachers are on strike ( and have been for the past month), the other half of the time when we do have class we are at the point of the year where they are either revising or doing tests, so a bit more boredom for emma lol.
then i go home, eat, play guitar, watch tv, go for a walk, find guitar tabs, play on facebook, go for a walk, play guitar, eat, play guitar, and so on. lol  (just thought id include a picture of my guitar at this point, you will get updates on its sticker process over the year lol)

on wednesday i finally went and saw alice no pais das maravilhas (alice in wonderland for anyone dumb enough to not be able to work that one out lol) with joanna! it was awesome! didnt get to see it in 3d, but i am considering going back for a second time lol. my host sister wants to see it so might go with her :)

i made m&m cookies and chocolate brownies yesterday. they were both really yummy, but i dont know what happens to my brownies over here. they end up being 1 cm thick! it must be the flour or something, i used 2 tsps of baking powder and it still did nothing! its really weird. lol. oh well, they are still really good warm with sorvette (icecream)

maybe will be going out to savassi tomorrow night for a bit with a heap of other exchangers. its a last hoo-ra before everyone really starts dissapearing. :( will be fun though!

okay, im off for now, until next time, stay safe, and keep tuned for more adventures!




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