About Me

I'm in Brasil on Rotary Youth Exchange for 2010-2011, and ive started a blog to keep everyone updated :)

Friday, May 7, 2010

Nova Familia e Nova Adventuras na Brasil!

eeii tudos!
tudo bem? estou muito feliz. (i was going to make you google translate that instead but google is lame and made it come out all funny, so in Portuguese that means, hey everyone, how ya goin? im really happy!) lol

anyway, its been a week since my last post so thought id better put up another so as to keep all the antsy people at bay, who love to read my blog, and find that it is the highlight of their week! people just love to find out what i have got up to over here in the party country (yes steve i finally agree with you lol :) not that i have broken any D's though, because im an exchange student and exchangers always stick to the rules :)

okay, so in my last blog i mentioned that i was at district conference for district 4520, BRASIL!  i had soooo much fun at conference, a week in a hotel with pretty much just all other exchangers ( the conference and therefore the rest of the rotarians were in another fancy hotel, but that was alright with us coz we didnt have too many rotarians to spoil our fun!)
we went to some of the night conference bits. on the opening night of the conference we went to a coctail party type thing, and a tree planting, and on the last night we went to a massive party and got all dressed up and danced all night long lol. it was fun.
the only conference type part we really went to was one of the night sessions when we had to do a presentation. first we watched the GSE (group study exchange) group from my district 9780 in aus do their presentation. the GSE team are really cool, and its a shame we didnt get to hang out more coz its just so nice to talk to other aussies! 
they had a really good presentation, and it even helped calm my nerves of intruducing our presentation in portuguese. watching the video of our district governor trying to speak portuguese was the funniest thing in the world. i just love aussies who cant for the life of them pronounce portuguese. and yes i was probably in that boat at the start as well, but at least i have the accent right now. lol

anyway the exchangers, (inbound and outbound) did a 40 min presentation, made up of us singing (me singing and playing guitar and the others singing the chorus) to Good riddance- greenday; the outbounds did a couple of skits of situations on exchange which were very funny; the mexicans did a mexican dance (or ale did the dance, and fabian tried not to trip over his own feet :P) and then some of the inbounds, outbounds and rebounds did some short speeches of their time on exchange or what they were looking forward to.
it was a really good presentation. :)
the city that the conference was in is Aguas do indoias, which is a pretty little city in the state of Sao Paulo. 
the shopping was really cheap (tehehehehehe) and it was really nice to walk around the city and explore. unfortunatly it was pretty hot, so walking long distances was a pain in the bum, but we did it anyway. lol

i got so many things for my blazer, including a top hat which i think i will pin onto the shoulder...(dont as) hahahahahaah

ummm okay so after conferencia, i came back to Belo, and have had a pretty exciting week. 
on... now let me just think lol....

okay so at the conference i was invited by one of the rotarians from the rotary club of Belo Horizonte- Sao Jose club to come to their Monday night meeting. the primary reason for this being that the Australians were going to be there doing their presentation :)
i went along to the meeting which was really cool, Lara and Fie (2 other exchangers) are being hosted by that club, so i got to hang out with 2 other exchangers and the 5 aussies for a few hours. it was a really good night.

Wednesday was a pretty full on day. on monday, one of the people from the Sao Jose Rotary club, Marcio, invited fie, lara and i to come to his house for lunch on wednesday. he picked us up from our separate schools, and took us to his house and we had a really nice lunch, he is going to be the next youth exchange officer for the district, so its good to know him.
after the lunch i went back to lara's house, as the previous night she called me and told me that she had two spots booked for her and her sister at a night time horse riding thing, but her sister couldn't go so would i like to. i of course said yes lol. so we went back to her house, we got our nails done to fill in time lol and we headed off to the riding at around 6. :) it was such an amazing night, the riding was in nova lima, a small city outside of BH, and the riding trail was through the mountains suroulding Nova Lima and BH. there was a full moon and it was absolutly amazing. my horse liked to go fast but i got used to it after a while and was quite comfortable with galloping up hills and things in the dark by the end of the night. lol

stayed the night at laras, went to school the next day, went home for 3 hours, then went off again! the aussies had told us that they were going to the futebol on thursday and then the rotarian organising it said that he would get us tickets as well. the game started at 7, so we left at 4pm to head to the minerao (the futebol stadium in BH)
the match we saw was Cruzeiro ( the team that i support, a local team) and Uruguai (national team... obviously from Uruguai)
brasilian futebol is absolutely crazy. for the whole game pretty much no one sits down apart from in the break, there are people with drums, the whole stadium chants for the whole game, there are people with big flags, and people with flares and fireworks and stuff as well. and it is ALL legal. lol Rob and i were just sitting there going, oh my god, the things that happen here would never be allowed in Aus. but it was really good fun, and afterwards we went to a feira and had a look at the various things for sale there, and introduced the other aussies to some other typical brasilian feira foods that they hadnt tried yet, like açai, batata fritas (fresh potato crisps/chips) and so on. very yummy :)

so on friday, i went to school as usual in the morning, and when i got home, marilia had some news for me. my club president had called her that morning and told her that i was moving houses that night. rotary didnt want me staying with a family that spoke a lot of english to me   for 6 months, they thought three months was enough, so they decided to move me to a new family. i dont mind, because its good for me to change around families and experience different people and  places while im in Brasil. 
so now i am in a new family, i have 2 older sisters and a younger brother, and a mum and dad who speak no english. lol
makes things interesting for sure!
i am currently sick with a throat infection which is just lovely, (not really, it feels like tonsilitis all over again) and had to go to a portuguese speaking doctor with my portuguese speaking host mum today... intersting. lol at least i could communicate with them that yes i did have the swine flu vaccination in aus, therefore, no i dont need it, and no i dont have swine ful, and no you dont need to give me another vaccination lol.

anyway people im feeling pretty much like crap right now, and feel like sleeping, so im going to head off to bed and get a early nights sleep.

toodles guys, update you in about a week.

tchau xx


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