About Me

I'm in Brasil on Rotary Youth Exchange for 2010-2011, and ive started a blog to keep everyone updated :)

Monday, May 24, 2010

eu amo Brasil :)

right now i don't think life could really get any better in Brasil.
School is good, starting to understand more of the language, therefore more at school :)
i amaze myself a little when in the car with my driver or at school talking to people, becuase i actually realise that my portuguese is actually coming along very quickly now, and i can have these half awkward sounding conversations with people but i understand, and they understand, even though the way i word things isnt really correct all the time, i am now reasonably understandable! its a really good feeling when someone says to your friend who speaks english: 'tell emma ... blah blah blah...' and i can turn around and say, 'its okay, i understand you, i dont need a translator!' tehehehee im happy.
i am learning a song called sutilmente, by a brasilian band called skank. :) it is a really cool song, i can play it, now i just have to polish up my singing of the words haha
if you want to check it out here is the youtube link :


tehehehehe has anyone else played google pacman? its the 30th birthday of pacman, so googles head bar thing is a miniature pacman thing! you actualyl play it! theres one wat to get distracted while going to look up something lol. but its soo fun! hahahaha

anyway went out with some exchange friends as well as a bunch of other people (god im popular these days, everyone wants to know me! we had a lot of fun and took photos, most of them are heading off soon, either going home, or leaving on their big adventure :)
it was a really nice catchup. kinda a last thing.

pretty normal week this week, i went for a massive 2 hour walk around my neighborhood the other day trying to find everything, turns out there is a massive hill i have to walk down for 6 blocks to get to the supermarket! YAY! that was fun to walk back up, trust me.

went shopping with joanna and her friend which was really cool, i needed a jumper or something, becuase i really only had 1 cardigan, and it is getting colder here. wow yes i know, in ballarat if it was 25 degrees we would be in tshirts, but all of a sudden the humidity has just dropped here, so its 'cold'. lol
i ended up buying a hoodie, a cardigan, and a pretty dress (i know the dress isnt exactly cold weather stuff but i dont really have a nice dress that isnt really dressy for partys and stuff and it was only 20 reais! i got it at a indian style store, and i swear that is where i will probably end up spending all my money on clothes from now on! it was cheap, and had beautiful fishermens type pants for 20 reais and tshirts for 10 and its all good quality and really nice, but most importantly, completly me, and cheap lol!

I made a chocolate cake on friday, my yummy flourless chocolate cake, and it is all gone already lol.
went oout to savassi last night again with some friends from school, and i swear, i know more people there now than Ana, my friend from school. lol
my friends would fit in sooo well with this group of people, i always described my friends in australia as the type of people that you dont need to give alcohol to to get them to be loud and fun :) this group is exactly the same, they are so cool :)

i have had a really great weekend. last night, (saturday) marilia said that her friend bruna had invited us to a  baile (dance party) so we got our stuff together and went to brunas house to get ready. so we got all frocked up and went out at 11pm. (... this is a normal time for brasilians to go out.) now, i thought it was going to be a party type party, but turns out that bruna does dance lessons (and by dance i mean zouk, salsa, tango, forro, and all those other latin type dances. ) so we went to the club/dance studio, for a dance night. it was really cool, i attempted to dance a Forro, but then gave up and just sat with Marilia and Rodrigo and watched everyone else dance for the rest of the time lol. everyone danced great, and towards the end of the night, i found out that this dance studio/ company has a group of dancers that have performed all over the world, and they did a 1 hour set which was the most amazing dance i have ever seen, no jokes. they are incredible, and i definatly want to go back another time even just for watching that again. totally worth it :) was amazing! i think they have a video and i am considering buying it, because there are so many people back home that would just love it. :) they were playing it earlier in the night on a screen in the background, and it is mesmerizing. 
ooh i found them on youtube! check it out :



absolutly amazing guys!

anyway, we got home at like half past 2am, and decided that we were hungry so hunted down some food, and i made a 5 min choc cake for us to eat lol
we started watching an anime movie at brunas before we went, so we finished watching that at home (everyone was sleeping over at our house) and then went to sleep at around 4am lol. it was a great night. 
woke up at 2pm today, and we have pretty much slobbed all afternoon, watching movies and eating crap lol.
good times here in Brasil :) doesnt get much better than this :)

tem escola amanha, eu nao quero ir, prefiro ficar em casa e dormir mais 
(i have school tomorrow, i dont want to go, i would prefer to stay home and sleep more )
(i suck at portuguese, bruna just helped me correct that lol)

anyway, im off for now, tune in next week for more adventures of Emma in Brasil



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