About Me

I'm in Brasil on Rotary Youth Exchange for 2010-2011, and ive started a blog to keep everyone updated :)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


This is it! World cup fever has well and truly set in!!! Never used to be a big soccer (futebol) fan before, and really wouldn't give a rats bum about it if I was in Aus, but when you are in Brasil, and the world cup is on, everyone just switches into futebol and party mode and you just cant help being swept away with the crowd of futebol crazed Brasilians! 

Me and my host sister :) 
(according to Alicia Titchmarsh we look alike... well actually, she got us mixed up hahaha good job hun )

Words really cant describe my futebol day on Sunday, so if I was you, I would just check out these videos on my youtube instead :) You will get the idea of how... Brasilians are when it comes to futebol :)

during the game:http://www.youtube.com/user/emmymay1993#p/a/u/1/Cgm6fjbYaEU

after the game:

OOO OOO OOO OOO! I found out yesterday that the John Butler Trio is playing in Belo Horizonte on the 3rd of July! I don't care what it takes, i'm SSOOOOO THERE!!!!! I am really super excited about it, and I want to go more than anything! I have to find someone to go with me, but other than that .. OH MY GODDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway hmmmm, what else interesting can I talk about? 
umm Well everyone is leaving me and going back to their home countries this week. Fabian goes to Mexico on Friday, Lara to Germany Saturday (but she is super dooper sick at the moment and bed ridden, so if she doesn't get much better , she wont be able to go home then) and Jonas to Germany Monday. I don't know when Fie goes, and I know that Joanna still has a month. She leaves the 26th of July, so we have still got some time. 
I'm going to try and get everyone left together for one last outing on Thursday night, Fabian is staying at our house for the next 2 nights, so we can hopefully get as many inbounds and outbounds together as possible. 

we went out on saturday to savassi and were going to go to jonas' going away party, but the bus was full, and we would have had to wait 45 mins for the next one, then 45 mins on the bus, then had 1 hour at the party before we had to turn round and come back again. it was such a shame because we even made him a cool balloon hat! (we gave it to the statue instead) and the lady at macdonalds let me have the cute koala on a love heart (we decided it was a koala hahaah)

Things have settled into a routine for me now, which is really good. School during the week is good. No more sleeping for me because I have correspondence work from Aus to do now. I am doing three VCE subjects and hope to pass three subjects in school next semester so that I can go back and go straight into year 12 instead of repeating yr 11. There are a couple of teachers who I don't think like me having my laptop in class, but it means i'm doing something and not sleeping so pfft. they will get over it/ used to it hahahaa

I got a giant A3 envelope the other day from home, which is really cool! I was so excited! We know that packages take forever (still waiting for one) but worked out that if she posts things reasonably flat in A3 envelopes, we can get it through in the regular post, so it costs less ,and gets here in less than two weeks! YAY! She is now sending another two with my course stuff that arrived in the mail in Australia, and needed to come to me hahaa. :) 
I got a platypus finger puppet from mum, and a beautiful handkerchief from Faye (she sent it to mum for my birthday to forward on to me, but because we were unsure of a postal address, she didn't want to send it until now.) Thankyou fFaye its beautiful, only thing is that I dont want to blow my nose on it (although it would be handy right now!) It's from italy! My darling little sister Leah also made me a very cute card, and its sitting on my bedside table right now. It's so beautiful, and no one could believe that my 12 year old sister made it for me! This is what happens when people live in Brasil and don't have art classes or any creative outlets in school until uni. they don't have any creativity and cant make pretty things. They would rather buy them and save themselves the hassle. 

OOh i just remembered that i havn't told you all about my outing to Parque das Mangabeiras :)
sooo last sunday, i headed off to feira hippy with joanna and suvi, then afterwards we headed up to Parque Mangabeiras with my friends :) oh my god i love it hahaha

there are cute fuzzy animals everywhere! monkeys and coati (little fluffy things) and the monkeys like to eat mandarin, as i have shown in this following video:

(tehehehehe yes emma has gone a bit youtube crazy, but its just so darn cool!)

anyway, so me and my friends had a picnic at the parque! we have this special secret picnic spot in the forest, and we had a couple of old sheets that we chucked on the ground to sit on, and ate sandwiches, chips and cookies :) oooh and we cant forget the mandarins (but i think the monkeys ended up eating more mandarins than we did). one of the ungrateful little blighters decided that it was funny to bite a mandarin then drop it on my head so it smoshed as it sort of ran down my back haahah
oh well, not every day that you have that happen is it!

ummm Today, i'm heading up to Parque Mangabeiras again, because I have a task for english where I have to 
go to one of my favourite places and do this sensory thing. 

(Really its giving me an excuse to just go back there again)
I will take plenty of photos, and add them to this post after. I might even include my sensory piece of writing for you. Could be an interesting one. 

I'm sitting in class right now being a bit bored. School today is going to be boring. We had a test first for History (I did my History work for Aus instead) and now we have Quemica. There is like a protest assembly for the students period three (im off to the library with Jeff and Bia, they are studying for Geografia. do something that is not a waste of time) then we have recess, Matematica, and Geografia... another test. fun fun fun

(yes that is a little gecko on someones work hahaah)

I have to buy some leggings or shorts to go running in with Marilia and Adelina. I only have trackie pants, and trust me, running in 25 degree humid Brasil, (its hot again) is not too smart. I've been borrowing a pair of Marilia's. 
im going to the movies with Joanna and her friends tomorrow, so i might try to find some near there. there are all the cheap stores around that area :P

okay thats it for now

toodle-oo, until next time :)



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