About Me

I'm in Brasil on Rotary Youth Exchange for 2010-2011, and ive started a blog to keep everyone updated :)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Okay so this goes out to all the exchangers that are leaving/ have left me.....
I will miss you!!!!

... So obviously to all you guys back in Australia, Emma has come to a time in her exchange where she has to say goodbye to people, which isn't the most fun thing of all. you see, the rotary exchangers from the rest of the world exchange from around about july-july. Australia on the other hand, goes from jan-jan, so at the middle of the year I have to say goodbye to all the good friends I have met, and watch them all fly home. 

The upside of this I suppose is that I get to meet and get to know all the other exchangers that come in, in the middle of the year!
I am actually really looking forward to being able to look out for someone the way that Joanna has done for me. Take them shopping to the cheap places, go to the movies, get them to try acai, and different foods. Take them to savassi with me and introduce them to all my friends, and help them with the language. 

so although I will miss Fabian, Lara, Jonas, Joanna, Ale, Mariah and all my other friends that I have made; I know that I will make a whole heap of new friends, and that I will keep in touch with the friends that I have made. 

Exchange is amazing. 
Thanks for all the amazing times guys. love ya all!


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