About Me

I'm in Brasil on Rotary Youth Exchange for 2010-2011, and ive started a blog to keep everyone updated :)

Sunday, June 6, 2010

silly hats, silly sickness, silly fairy floss mustaches, silly movies.... Brasilly! (get it... bra...silly... brasil+silly... brasilly... oh... you got it!)

hey people, so Emma is feeling a bit off colour at the moment. which is such a big pain in the arse. i was going to be going to one of my rotarians country houses with them, but yesterday was feeling sick, so didnt go. still not feeling great today, but its not as bad. urgh. stupid sick.

anyway, so instead of curling up in a ball on the couch all arvo, my host mum took me and my fellow siblings to BH shopping (big shopping mall) and we had a bit of a wander around. we went into the shop O Boticário, which is like a perfume and makeup store, and i was like, i need new perfume, so i was looking at them and found a really nice one that was actually only 27.90 (which is cheap) but i only had 20 reais so left it. we went to a burger place and had something to eat, my host mum went off, and came back with a bag from that place with the perfume in it! shes such a sweetie :)

lol so we all needed more shampoo but i wouldnt let her pay for my shampoo because she bought me perfume hahah and she just threw her hands in the air, rolled her eyes and sighed. lol
so here is emma feeling slightly better than before, which is good, but still not great. everything is making my stomach funny. driving was fun... not.

hmm so this week we had a 3 day school week and a 4 day weekend, because there was some sort of public holiday on thursday and friday. 

on wednesday afternoon, marilia, bruna and i went down the street, and they made me wear a stupid had, because they were, and so we walked around looking like tools with stupid hats on, taking stupid pictures. 

then closer to six we met up with some other friends, had some maccas and california coffee (like gloria jeans)   and then headed to praca da liberdade where there was some jazz music being played :) it was really fun :)

we ended up with fairy floss stuck to our upper lips, and well, pretty crazy :) thats what happens when you buy lots of fairy floss :) tehehehehehehehehehehe yummy :) (yes that green stuff is fairy floss)

thursday, adelina (my sister) invited me to a churrasco with her, so we went there at about 3pm. it was really cool, just her, and all her friends from uni, and me hahaha it was fun :)

ummm what else... oh yeah, on tuesday i went with joanna to the movies and we saw... (yes yes i know)... sex and the city 2.
its not normally a film i would pay to see but it was actually a pretty good film, i certainly laughed quite a bit, and for 3.50 (plus joannas ticket and popcorn and coke... so okay, for 20 reais) it was better than the first film at least. 

joanna and i are planning two days this week to hang out. the first to work on our rotary presentations (her to make hers, and me to translate and fix mine up) and the second to make pavlova hahaha :) mmmmm gostoso!

ummmmmmm... i guess thats it for now! until next time! Tchau!


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