About Me

I'm in Brasil on Rotary Youth Exchange for 2010-2011, and ive started a blog to keep everyone updated :)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Happy Birthday to my beautiful Meggie-moo

Just wanted to wish you a very happy 16th birthday in the most public was possible. if i could write it across the sky for everyone to see i would, and i wish i was there to celebrate it with you. 

i know you probably wont see this for days but i just wanted to put it up, coz eventually you will see it :)

You are an amazing girl and i am so happy that you are my very best friend in the world. i love you so much Meggie, and i am missing you everyday, but this year will pass before we know it and then i will be back and we will get to have the biggest hug ever lol
love you darling, you have the world at your feet, you can go wherever you choose, so take every opportunity and live life to the fullest possible every day. you are beautiful.
xxxxxxx love always, Emmy

ps this was posted at 12:12am Australian time on the 9th of Feb, but because of time differences its still the 8th in Brazil lol


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