About Me

I'm in Brasil on Rotary Youth Exchange for 2010-2011, and ive started a blog to keep everyone updated :)

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Hey guys, to all you non-facebooker's, i thought id better put up some more photos :

This one here is me and my host family at a party last night. my Mum Marilia, Dad Marcio, and little sister Mariah. we went to a birthday party last night, and took this photo then.

me in my decked out (slightly) blazer after my first rotary meeting 

My apartment building :)

i got my hands on a guitar last night for an hour or so at a party! it was so good to be playing again! now i just want a guitar even more though!!!

i wanted to put this picture up to explain the contrasting riches to rags in Brasil. this little cluster of houses is what we call Favelas, and they are where the poor people live. they are old and dilapidated and look like they are about to fall down, but i suppose its better than sleeping on the streets.
favelas are a reality in most citys in Brasil, and the sad thing about it, is that these Favelas are literally on the opposite side of the highway to all of the new fancy rich apartments and houses going up. it really is a big eye opener, and i really do see just how lucky we are in Australia to not really have anything like this. also though, this shelters us from all of the real issues in the world and so we whinge and whine about our lives, thinking things are so terrible and it couldnt get any worse, when really, we don't have it bad compared to so many people in the world. just a bit of food for thought.

this is the view from my first floor bedroom window. pretty amazing really.

This is the group of Mariah's friends that i went 'shopping' at the mall with. 
They are all really nice girls.

i took a picture of these shoes, because Kate has been desperately wanting a pair of crazy colourful high top shoes (i have a feeling shes into high top things at the moment, first the bonds now the shoes)
she wants me to get her some, but at those prices, shes dreaming lol

This is looking down the street that runs through the centre of Mangabeiras, my suburb in BH.
I am standing in flag square.

Flag Square!

well, hope you enjoyed the pictures and commentary on them all.
in the next week i plan on talking photos of weird, whacky and wonderful things, then i will put the best up to show you!



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