About Me

I'm in Brasil on Rotary Youth Exchange for 2010-2011, and ive started a blog to keep everyone updated :)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Hello People, 
I am really glad to hear that people are actually reading my blog! its so exciting and makes it more worthwhile, so i thought that id better get on and do another update. wow, i just realized that my last post was  a week ago! ive been here move than a week! how time fly's when your having fun. 

well. what have i been up to in the past week? ooh! well on last wednesday i went to the salon for the first time in my life to get a manicure. wow emma, you go to brazil, theres alll these exciting new things to do, and you get a manicure? yes yes i hear you people, the truth is that all of the girls here get manicures, it is so common, because its apparently very cheap. I had pink nails, however Amanda, my sisters friend re-did Mariah's and my nails again today as we watched Catch that Kid in portugese ( a very strange experience to see their lips moving at different intervals to the portuguese being spoken over the top of the film lol), so now they happen to be a rather bright pastel purple. kind of worried about how they will go once i get my hands on a guitar though, i recon i will have a big patch worn off my strumming finger in 5 minutes flat... hmmmm might stick to lighter colours from now on. lol

i have also observed in the past week how much of a weird teenager i have been, because all it seems that 14 year olds here talk about is beautiful guys, yet i dont remember doing this a whole lot. its kinda scary. i havnt hung around a group of more than probably 3 girls since year 7, so it was kinda overwhelming, especially considering the previously mentioned topic of conversation. im just glad to say that i skipped that stage, and went straight to having more guy friends than girls, playing guitar, not talking about guys but about fantastic bands or guitars, wearing strange clothes and not caring, and watching bloody gorey zombie movies. geez ive gotta find some guy friends over here soon before i cave under the girly side of me. i never really considered myself to be a real tomboy until now.

On friday Marilia had a group of her friends over. she has a group of friends that all go to the same church as her, and they all get together every week or so and read bible passages and stuff. however, it really is just a reason to get together and have a good chat, and all the kids go off and do their own thing. anyway, i got to cook a pavlova for the desert for the evening. i was a bit worried about it at a couple of points but apparently there was nothing to be worried about, because it was woofed down, and everyone wants the recipe! Marilia loved it so much that i had to make two more on saturday. we took one to her mums on saturday night, and it disappeared rather quick there too. i think next i will attempt my flourless chocolate cake. hmmm but first id better check how much cooking chocolate costs here. today i saw that a 350g jar of nutella costs 13,98 R. what a rip off! it is like double what it is in australia. but i have noticed that with a lot of things here. in fact everything except clothes really. so i have decided i will refrain from buying anything else and just buy clothes okay :)
but seriously, i need a bag for school ,and the cheapest ive seen has been 100 R, and the smallest amount for a tiny little pencil case was 20 R! its nuts!

On Sunday we went to see my family's cousins. we had a churrasco (a Brazilian BBQ) for lunch. delicious as usual. :)
I played with the soccer ball on their terrace with Clara and Pedro until Clara suggested we go down to their soccer pitch. I think it must have been about 2 hours that I played with Clara and Pedro. I had so much fun, playing with kids is awesome, and I could have done it for longer, but we had to go to church. We went around there  again on monday night and played on the  field for another 2 hours. we only stopped becuase it got to 10:30pm and someone came and complained. lol

The kids are the best portuguese teachers becuase they are so patient and work on it until you understand, and they are not afraid to act things out either!




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