About Me

I'm in Brasil on Rotary Youth Exchange for 2010-2011, and ive started a blog to keep everyone updated :)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

the beauty and wonders of BH

okay, so i did say that my next post would be weird whacky and wonderful, but i have decided to leave that until after carnival, because im sure there wont be a lack of any of those three things during carnival, thats for sure. this week, i have been to a few places in the city, but my highlight has been the liberation park. it is absolutely beautiful :)

the picture below is of my vovo (host grandma), host mum Marilia and myself in front of the big fountain that runs down one side of the park. the picture above is the avenue that runs down the middle of the square.

the construction of the park started around the time of the founding of Belo Horizonte as the new capital of Minas Gerais, in 1895. the buildings first constructed around it were the government palace and the secretary of state building. in the eras that followed, the buildings that were constructed became more modern, and the square is said to hold some of the greatest architecture in the city.there is a lot of renovation of the insides of the older buildings at the moment. one is going to have a stage theatre, another will house a museum and so on. 

it is amazing to see the contrast between some of the buildings. one i found quite funny was that beside one of the beautiful old buildings, there is a new , square box, that is apparently an astrology research centre, or that is what i think it is. i could be wrong lol. but it is soo strange to see the old and beautiful building beside this modern building that looks like a rubix cube with all grey sides lol.

We also visited the very first actual house in Belo Horizonte, back when it was first settled, and was just a little town with a few huts and tents, no real houses until this one. it was so cool, and it has been turned into a kind of museum about the house and early settlement way of living, and progress over the years.

 there was a couple there having their wedding photos taken, and it was so beautiful. i would get my photos taken there if i could. it is beautiful.   

There is so much history here, everything has a story, and people are all to willing to tell you those stories :)
its great.


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